What's New on our website

The Good Word, Vol. XI, Issue 5, May-Jun 2024, Four Extraordinary Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, ROCA, Part I

See item under the menu "The Good Word II"

Prayer of the Optina Elders

See item under the menu "Prayer"

Prayer Before Consuming Prosphora and Holy Water

See item under the menu "Prayer"

"On the Law of God" by St. Philaret, Metropolitan of New York

See item under the menu "About Orthodoxy"

The Good Word, Vol. XI, Issue 6, Jul-Aug 2024, Four Extraordinary Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, ROCA, Part II, and A Confessor of the Catacomb Church Hieromonk Alexander (Orlov)

See last item under the menu "The Good Word II"

New "Donations" page.

See item under the menu "Donations"