THE GOOD WORD Vol. IX (2) and newer pdf-Files

Although published with the blessing of His Eminence Bishop Auxentios of Etna and Portland, the opinions are the authors do not necessarily reflect those of the Parish or the Diocese. They are reviewed by our Protopresbyter James Thornton and approved by His Grace Bishop Sergios of St. Gregory of Sinai Monastery, Kelseyville, CA prior to publication and posting.

The Good Word Vol IX, Issue 2, Nov-Dec 2021

Cosmology: Biblical Creation


The Good Word Vol IX, Issue 3, Jan-Feb 2022

Cosmology: Ancient to Big-Bang


The Good Word Vol IX, Issue 4, Mar-Apr 2022

Biblical Creation vs. Modern Cosmology 


The Good Word Vol IX, Issue 5, May-Jun 2022

 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation: Interpretation and Importance


The Good Word Vol IX, Issue 6, Jul-Aug 2022

Alternative Models of Cosmology, Lisle's Anisotropic Synchrony Convention Model


Bibliography for Cosmology

References for Articles on Cosmology


The Good Word Vol X, Issue 1, Sep-Oct 2022

Chronology of Genesis 5, 7, & 11, Septuagint vs. Masoretic Text, and the Age of the Universe


The Good Word Vol X, Issue 2, Nov-Dec 2022

St. Hippolytus of Rome, Treatise "On Christ and Antichrist", Part 1


The Good Word, Vol X, Issue 3, Jan-Feb 2023

St. Hippolytus of Rome, Treatise "On Christ and Antichrist", Part II


The Good Word, Vol. X, Issue 4, Mar-Apr 2023

Prophecies of St. John of Kronstadt, including the Vision of 1901, Part I


The Good Word, Vol. X, Issue 5, May-Jun 2023

Prophecy of St. John of Kronstadt: Vision of 1901, Part II


The Good Word, Vol. X, Issue 6, Jul-Aug 2023

The Jewish Day of Atonement and the High Priest of Israel, Part I


The Good Word, Vol. XI, Issue 1, Sep-Oct 2023

The Jewish Day of Atonement and the High Priest of Israel, Part II


The Good Word, Vol. XI, Issue 2, Nov-Dec 2023

Balaam's Prophecies and the Magi


The Good Word, Vol. XI, Issue 3, Jan-Feb 2024

Preparation of the Gentile World for the Redeemer by Archpriest Nikolai Malinovsky and another by St. Seraphim of Sarov


The Good Word, Vol.XI, Issue 4, Mar-Apr 2024

St. Symeon the New Theologian's Homily 43:  Adam and the First Created World


The Good Word, Vol. XI, Issue 5, May-Jun 2024

Four Extraordinary Hierarchs of the Russian Church Abroad, Part I


The Good Word, Vol. XI, Issue 6, Jul-Aug 2024

Four Extraordinary Hierarchs of the Russian Church Abroad, Part II, and Hieromonk Alexander (Orlov), Confessor of the Catacomb Church
