Lives of Saints

The Lives of Orthodox Saints and the Importance of Reading Them

Reading the Lives and Writings of the Saints

St. Peter of Damaskos, a monastic father from the 11th or 12th centuryAD


On the Lives of the Saints

St.  Justin Popovich (1894-1979)


St. Seraphim of Sarov, Patron Saint

St. Seraphim of Sarov, (Jul 19, 1754 - Jan 2, 1833)


St. John of Kronstadt, Patron Saint

St. John of Kronstadt (1829-1908)


On the Glorification of St. John of Kronstadt, by St. John Maximovich of Shanghai and San Francisco

St. John of Kronstadt (1829-1908)


On the Life of St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan

St. Ambrose, Archbishop of Milan (c. AD 330 - 4 Apr 397)


On Metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitsky (1863 - 1936), by St. Justin Popovich

Metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitsky (1863 - 1936)

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On St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica, (AD 1296 - 1359), by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna

St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica, (AD 1296 - 1359)


Excerpt from "The Elder Ieronymos of Aegina" on How the Elder Returned to the Old Calendar in August, 1942

Elder Ieronymos of A egina, (1883-1966)


Life and Testament of St. John of Rila

St. John of Rila (AD 876-946)


The Life of St John (Iacob) the Romanian

St . John the Romanian  (1913-1960) of the Monastery of St. George the Chozevite in the Desert of Jordan


On the Life of St. John the Russian

St. John the Russian, c.AD 1690 - 1730


The Life and Miracles of St. John Maximovich Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco

St. John Maximovich, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco (1896-1966)


"Reminiscences of St. John in Shanghai" by Nun Ephemaia

St. John Maximovich, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco (1896-1966)


On the Life of St. John (Maximovich), Metropolitan of Tobolsk

St. John Maximovitch, Metropolitan of Tobolsk (1651-1715)


The Life of St. Kassiani the Hymnographer

St. Kassiani (c.AD 805 - before 865)


Life of St. Markella of Chios

St. Marke!a of Chios, 14th Century

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More on St. Photios the Great

St. Photios the Great (c. AD 810-c. 893) Patriarch of Constantinople


Life of St. Xenophon the Righteous and His Family

Our venerable father Saint Xenophon, his wife Mary, and sons Arcadius & John (died  A.D. 520), Saint Theodore and his brother Saint Joseph (died A.D. 826)


Another Life of St. John of Kronstadt

On St. John's life daily life of prayer, ministry, and love for all.

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Life of St. Martin of Tours (316-397)

By Sulpitius Severus (c. 363-c. 425)

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